Collezione: Barriere Del Ristorante E Del Caffè

Le barriere per bar e ristoranti sono un modo ideale per creare un'area per bere o mangiare al chiuso o all'aperto per bar e ristoranti. Sono anche utilizzati per separare le aree di uno showroom o di un'area espositiva o per l'uso nella gestione delle code. Le barriere e la... Read More

  • Kit di starter barriera da 1 metro

    Kit di starter barriera da 1 metro

    Café barriers are an ideal way to create an indoor or outdoor drinking or eating area for bars and restaurants. They are also used to section off areas of a showroom or display area, or for use in queue management.

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  • Kit starter barriera da 1,5 metri

    Kit starter barriera da 1,5 metri

    Café barriers are an ideal way to create an indoor or outdoor drinking or eating area for bars and restaurants. They are also used to section off areas of a showroom or display area, or for use in queue management.

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  • Kit di starter barriera da 2 metri

    Kit di starter barriera da 2 metri

    Café barriers are an ideal way to create an indoor or outdoor drinking or eating area for bars and restaurants. They are also used to section off areas of a showroom or display area, or for use in queue management.

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  • Kit di estensione barriera da 1 metro

    Kit di estensione barriera da 1 metro

    Café barriers are an ideal way to create an indoor or outdoor drinking or eating area for bars and restaurants. They are also used to section off areas of a showroom or display area, or for use in queue management.

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  • Kit di prolunga barriera da 1,5 metri Cafe

    Kit di prolunga barriera da 1,5 metri Cafe

    Café barriers are an ideal way to create an indoor or outdoor drinking or eating area for bars and restaurants. They are also used to section off areas of a showroom or display area, or for use in queue management.

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  • Kit di estensione barriera da 2 metri

    Kit di estensione barriera da 2 metri

    Café barriers are an ideal way to create an indoor or outdoor drinking or eating area for bars and restaurants. They are also used to section off areas of a showroom or display area, or for use in queue management.

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